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Winter health is important!

Do you want to stay warm and cozy at home at the first hint of wind and sleet? Make sure to stay active in both winter and summer to keep your body and teeth healthy! There are many exercises that people of all ages and interests can take part it. Keep moving—the benefits are immeasurable!

What activities you can go for?

1. Get plenty of sunshine: Vitamin D from sun exposure is essential for the health of your heart and teeth. It also helps prevent seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as the winter blues. Spend at least 20-30 minutes under the sun each day (and don’t forget sunscreen!).

2. Burn the calories: When you exercise, you are stoking your metabolism to burn calories. Moreover, cold weather pushes your body to work harder, which means you will eliminate even more calories!

3. Exercise: The more you move, the more you want to move—and the better you feel. Sports that keep your heart pumping develop your ability to absorb oxygen.

4. Increase your resistance: Cold weather also stimulates the immune system. That means playing sports or training is even more important, especially during flu season.

5. Enhance your flexibility: Ice and snow sports force us to develop our flexibility and agility, which is crucial for people of all ages.

6. Boost your mood: As all athletes will tell you, physical activity will release endorphins, the “mood-boosting hormones.” They also contribute to relaxing our muscles and body a few hours later.

Now put on toques, strap on your skates or skis, build a snowman or walk the dog! Say hello to winter!


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Approved by Dr Lechner

Dr François Lechner

Dr. François Lechner founded the Prisma Dentistes in TMR more than 30 years ago. Over the course of his practice, he has developed his skills in general and family dentistry and is proud to offer a complete service to his patients. He is also interested in neuromuscular dentistry and the management of sleep disorders.

Dr. François Lechner