Wisdom teeth
Solutions for wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth are the most inner molars in the jaw (also called “third molars”). When they do not grow properly or cannot occupy their normal position due to lack of space, they are said to be “included.”.
This problem can make chewing difficult, causing periodontal problems, cavities, infections and damage to adjacent teeth.
Wisdom teeth can be partially or totally included. Depending on your dentist’s assessment, you can decide whether or not to extract them.
The extraction of wisdom teeth (including teeth) is generally performed between the ages of 16 and 22. It is best to intervene before they reach their final positions if they cannot occupy their normal positions due to lack of space.
A personalized approach
Our team fosters a global approach to your oral health. We listen to your needs and offer you professional services in dental health and dental aesthetics for a lifetime of smiles.