Orofacial pain and TMJ pain: Here are the main musculoskeletal/occlusal signs What to look for ? (Part 3)
What to look for?
Part 3 of 3:
Signs (intra-oral)
- Crowded lower anterior teeth
- Wear of lower anterior teeth
- Lingual inclination of lower anterior teeth
- Lingual inclination of upper anterior teeth (Div. II occlusion)
- Bicuspid drop off
- Depressed Curve of Spee
- Lingually tipped lower posteriors
- Narrow mandibular arch
- Narrow maxillary arch (high palatal vault)
- Midline discrepancy
- Malrelated dental arches
- Tooth mobility
- Flared upper anterior teeth
- Facets
- Cervical erosion (abfractions)
- Locked upper buccal cusps
- Fractured cusps (particularly CL. I & II non-functional cusps)
- Chipped anterior teeth
- Loss of molars
- Open interproximal contacts
- Unexplained gingival inflammation and hypertrophy
- Cross-bite
- Anterior open bite
- Anterior tongue thrust
- Lateral tongue thrust
- Scalloping of the lateral border of the tongue
Do you have any of these symptoms?
Call our offices today for a consultation.
Approved by Dr Lechner

Dr. François Lechner founded the Prisma Dentistes in TMR more than 30 years ago. Over the course of his practice, he has developed his skills in general and family dentistry and is proud to offer a complete service to his patients. He is also interested in neuromuscular dentistry and the management of sleep disorders.