Headaches in the morning: your dentist can help
Do you experience frequent headaches, migraine pain or unsolved jaw disorders?
Waking up with some degree of discomfort, from a slight headache, to jaw soreness or a full-blown migraine, is an unpleasant situation.
Even though most migraines occur between 5 and 8 am, it is a fact rarely considered.
The NTI is a FDA cleared mouthpiece, designed for preventing migraines and jaw disorders.
Unlike the traditional “full coverage” mouthpiece that allow 100% of jaw clenching intensity, the NTI provides only front incisor teeth contact, limiting clenching intensity to 30% while preventing TMJ strain.
Using the HIT-6 questionnaire, the NTI has shown to be the most effective FDA cleared treatment modality, at reducing night or morning migraine pain and improving the life of patients.
If you or someone you know experiences frequent headaches, migraine pain, or unresolved jaw disorders, we invite you to complete the questionnaire at “HIT-6.com” and contact us at 514 739 6095 or by email at info@santesommeildrlechner.ca
Approved by Dr Lechner

Dr. François Lechner founded the Prisma Dentistes in TMR more than 30 years ago. Over the course of his practice, he has developed his skills in general and family dentistry and is proud to offer a complete service to his patients. He is also interested in neuromuscular dentistry and the management of sleep disorders.